Saturday, May 28, 2011

0 [Piano_Files] Help me please . . .


Hello, my name is Citra from Indonesia. In a week, my team will present a choir show (concert).
The theme of this show is Broadway song, such as :
1.      Vois Sur Ton Chemin – Les Choristes
2.  Alice In Wonderland – Alice In Wonderland
3.  Under The Sea – Little Mermaid
4.  Over The Rainbow – Wizard Oz
5.  You Can't Stop The Beat – Hairspray
6.  A Whole New World - Alladin
7.  You'll Be In My Heart – Tarzan
8.  The Music of The Night – The Phantom of The Opera
9.  When You Believe – Prince of Egypt
10. We're All In This Together – HSM 2

We get some troubles to search the minus one of those songs, anyone of you can help me?
Maybe you can give me some web address to search, or have one of the midi file... 

Thank you for your attention and response for this message,, :)
Warm Regards,


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