Saturday, May 28, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Re: I swear I may be cursed!!


I totally agree with L.  I teach my jrs only one verse and some songs like PTTM I am only having them learn the chorus really well.  We will sing the whole song once in a while but I will concentrate on the chorus.  Then when they join in with the Srs. in the program it adds a nice variety in sound.
Like L, I always include the program songs as the opening song or the reverence song before they leave.  It keeps it fresh in their minds so they don't forget.
As for not getting your time.  If Sac meeting goes over then you should be splitting the remaining time with the sharing time person.  They shouldn't get all their 15 minutes and you get 5.  You are to get 20 and they are to get 15. program. This has been discussed in length if you want to check out the messages.

There is no way you will be ready for the program if this continues  .... but more importantly the children are missing out on one of the most important parts of primary... learning to love singing and feeling the spirit through music.  We have discussed how primary lessons may soon be forgotten but these beautiful songs will stick with these children forever.  I would seriously think about discussing this with your PP.
Once in a while getting a few minutes less is to be expected but 5 minutes.... and often... that isn't acceptable.
(Just mho)  :-)

From: leb0115 <>
Sent: Sat, May 28, 2011 12:29:17 PM
Subject: [primusic] Re: I swear I may be cursed!!


May I suggest then that you just do one verse from each song? and make sure that sometimes you use program songs as your opening song. That is a great sneaky review for them.


--- In, Elizabeth Marsh <marshmayhem@...> wrote:
> Okay, I was called at the beginning of January to this calling and danced home (it's the best calling in the church). My first week the Primary presidency was released so I had five minutes. Second week, only had a few minutes, third week, too sick to talk, someone covered. Fourth week, about ten minutes. Fifth week, out of town. Last week, again, was only given five minutes, but had a lesson prepared for this week. I was really excited about it, too -- we're so far behind I was going ot finish HFAF. Woke up this morning at 3, my son has the croup. That normally wouldn't be a problem, but my husband isn't even on the continent at the moment, so I don't get to teach this sunday either!
> I just really want to get my kids up to speed. At the rate they're going, I may get through ONE WHOLE SONG by program time. Is anyone else this far behind? We've learned one whole verse of TFIOG, and half of HFAF and I'm kicking myself for not having them singing all of it!
> I"m really sorry about the venting. I only teach the Jrs, and we're up first. So if Sacrament Meeting goes over, it all comes out of my time. I know it'll get better, but the sleep depravation and the fact I don't get to teach again on Sunday has got me pretty blue. Thanks for making it this far!
> Elizabeth
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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