Thursday, June 9, 2011

0 [primusic] Re: Substitute help


I sent out emails to several women in my ward whom I know are musically inclined and asked them if I could put them on a sub list for my planned absences.  I got great response, and no one person is "burdened" (blessed!) with the job.  Some responded that they would love to help, but serve in a calling that would prevent it in one of the hours.  I made a list of those people and matched alternating hours so that the whole time was covered.  (Hope that made sense.)
If you're going to be gone for an extended time (I'm in Texas, and lots of people here make the pilgrimage to Utah every summer for a month or so), I would ask your President to help you.  She may want to consult with the Bishop about who might be available (or need a short-term "assignment" [not the same as a calling]) so that there is continuity through that time period.

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