----- Original Message -----From: Megan LovellSent: Wednesday, June 29, 2011 2:31 PMSubject: RE: [primusic] I Love To See The Temple [1 Attachment]
I'm going to used Directed Listening questions to have them listen for the answers as I sing it through the first few times. (Based on the Children's Songbook Companion lesson plan.) They know the first verse really well, so I'll be focusing on the second verse and how the two verses compare. I'm still working out the details, but I created 'building blocks' out of paper with keywords/phrases from the song. The phrases work perfectly to build a temple from the bottom up.
I've attached a replica of what I did -- I made mine out of large paper, though I'm debating about running to the dollar store for a posterboard to make it more sturdy. Hope the attachment makes sense. I'm not sure if I'll have children 'race' to put together the paper temple before we've sung it all the way through or what. (After I've 'built' the temple once for them so they can see it.)
This is still sort of floating around in my head, and I'm open for suggestions. =)
To: primusic@yahoogroups.com
From: singing_chick23@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 20:42:43 +0000
Subject: [primusic] I Love To See The Temple
I am fresh out of ideas for this upcoming week, would you guys mind sharing what your plans are for I Love To See The Temple?
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