I have a primary that seems VERY uninterested in anything and everything I prepare for them. It's a smaller primary so we don't split up the Jr.'s and Sr.'s. But it seems as if the older kids think they're too cool to sing and then the younger children want to follow the example of the older children, so they don't sing either.
Yesterday, we were singing "I Will Follow God's Plan." I had someone come up to roll a dice and it landed on BOYS ONLY! When the music started not a single boy tried to even sing the song! I stopped the music and commented on it and tried to get them to sing. When the music started again, they still didn't sing, AT ALL! I was so shocked and a little hurt. I know that they know the song. They just plain didn't want to sing and I didn't know what I was doing wrong.
That's just one example, but I just don't know what to do anymore to get the kids excited to sing.
I would love any suggestions.
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