Sunday, August 28, 2011

0 [primusic] Re: Gethsemane


I have something that works great! I do real and made up sign language for just four words to help them remember. They aren't doing the signs, just me.

gave-two hands out and then back in, like you are presenting someone with a gift
in- (not sure how to explain it, but I'm sure it is on an ASL website)
gives- hands going out and then back in, but alternating left then right hand, over and over, like giving multiple presents
from- (not sure how to explain this one, check ASL site)

--- In, "Paladeni Family" <paladeni@...> wrote:
> For those of you that have taught this song for the program this year I have a question.
> How are you keeping the children straight on the words
> So he gave his gift to me
> in Gethsemane
> So he gives his gift to me
> from gethsemane.
> they keep intersorting in/from gave/give.....the jr. primary only and they can't read or really understand "a" comes before "i" on Gaves and gives....any suggestions?
> Angela

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