Sunday, August 28, 2011

0 [primusic] Re: Program review games


I'm excited to try out some of these great ideas, too!

Last year I made a Jeopardy-style game with four categories and four levels of difficulty. When they sang the song well (program ready) they received a fuzzy craft ball to put in a jar; one ball for level one, two for level two, etc. The goal was to fill the jar before the program. With 16 clues, each song was represented twice.
For Jr the categories were "Fill in the Blank", "Trivia" (who, what, when, how type questions), "Out of the Box" (singing with items: pipe cleaner wands, scarves, rhythm sticks, and hand bells), and "Name That Tune".
Sr's categories were "Fill in the Blank", "Trivia", "Name That Tune" (for this category I had the first several notes of the song written out for hand bells and let the class that chose it play the bells and guess the song), and "Jumble" (song titles scrambled).
I let each class have a turn choosing a clue and the teachers each picked one child to choose the category and one to pick the difficulty level.
The kids really enjoyed this game and it was great for me because I made it once and was ready with singing time for about two months leading up to the program. We got through about three songs per week and the kids sang beautifully for the program.

I thought about doing this game again, but I think I'd like to try some other ideas. I may do it again next year, though... it was a lot of fun!

~Jess K.

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