Monday, August 29, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Need to vent for a moment....


wow! i thought i am song crazy having 9 songs in our program. I am PP and chorister at the same time.  So I know how hard it is to practice and memorize songs. What I did with the kids was I gave them a copy of the CD with music only and children singing.  So they listen to it prior to coming to church and they already learned the songs in advance. I challenge them to listen to it as much as they can until they are familiar with the song and the words. !6 wow.  even as a special number unfortunately you won't have time for talks.  Does your PP just want musical program with some talks?  Anyway, I am sure whatever you guys decided with the help of our Heavenly Father it will be perfect.. 

Rosette, Inglewood, CA

--- On Mon, 8/29/11, Kimberly Zirker <> wrote:

From: Kimberly Zirker <>
Subject: Re: [primusic] Need to vent for a moment....
To: "" <>
Date: Monday, August 29, 2011, 7:28 AM


You might consider just doing some of those songs as special numbers with a small group or class instead of stressing over teaching all the primary children. That was my solution anyway when the programs came back with a few surprises!! It's always stressful during this time so all you can do is all you can do! Best of luck! Kim

Sent from my iPhone

On Aug 29, 2011, at 6:03 AM, Jean Wilson <> wrote:


It seems that there are several choristers this time of year that get this "pleasant surprise".  Only it isn't so pleasant.  I feel for you but I think you have handled the situation correctly by explaining the time issue.   There is no way for any talks or parts in the program if you have that many songs.  Not to mention the added stress on you and especially the added stress on the children.  You may want to remind your pp that the purpose of the program is to have the children share their testimonies of the gospel and what they have learned the past year.  Not what they can cram into the program.  I would guess that the children will be stressed to the max because they won't feel comfortable because they don't know the songs.  So how can they have a testimony of them or feel the Spirit from sining them.  I am not telling you anything new if you have been in the primary so long.
I would maybe ask what the purpose is that the presidency have in mind for having so many songs.   I think you have done the right thing in voicing your concern while they still have time to revamp.
Maybe for next year you can do what some have suggested through the years and that is to make very clear in January that if there are to be any songs in addition to the suggested ones that they let you know now!!  Which brings to mind another thought.... I am thinking there is probably a reason why the general board only has 8 or 9 songs listed for the children to sing during the program. :-)
Hope it all works out for you.  Good luck to all of you as you make final preparations and present your programs.  Enjoy!!

From: "Gisseman, Stephanie M Civ USAF AFMC WR-ALC/XPQ" <>
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 6:44:39 AM
Subject: [primusic] Need to vent for a moment....

My Primary President e-mailed me her outline of the program last night…and she has 16 songs in it!  Good grief!  Eight of those songs are ones that the children either don't know at all or barely know…they're definitely not songs we've worked on this year and we can't have them program-ready in the next six weeks.  I sent her back an e-mail and expressed my concerns about having that many songs in the program (if you estimate two minutes per song, which is low for some of the songs, that's 32 minutes of the program just on songs – and we only have 35-40-45 minutes total for the program!), having that many new songs to teach in the next six weeks, and having the "required" songs still needing polishing in the next six weeks…  I was just called at the end of April and so this is the first Primary program I've gone through with this presidency (but I was in Primary for 15 years previously, including several years as Primary Chorister and Primary President, so my concerns are coming from lots of experience).
I told her I would be happy to suggest a couple of additional songs the children *already know* that could be used, but there is no way we have time in the program to sing 16 songs, let alone prepping 16 songs for the program!
Stephanie in GA

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