Sunday, September 25, 2011

0 [primusic] Re: New file uploaded to primusic


I uploaded everything I have for Hospital Review.  This is a compilation of my stuff and Jean Wilson's.  I do not take full credit. 
If the song was sick then it needed physical therapy.  The kids LOVED getting the M & M's.  I had clean unused prescription bottles that each teacher got and when I said 'oh it's time for some therapy they each would get one m & m. 
I had a recording of an ambulance so when the child was choosen I would play the music and they would rush to the back of the room and pick a file with the virus name on the front and the papers inside.  They loved the ambulance siren.  Made it more exciting.
I had two dr.'s come in white lab coat, scrub hat, stethascope, and face mask and clip board.  I also wore a scrub hat, lab coat and stethescope.  They walked around the primary room as the children sang and each one filled out the chart.  So the kids new immediately how they did on each song.
The kids loved this review and it gave a clear vision of what needed work.  I choose people who did NOT have any kids in primary so they could be more unbiased.

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