Friday, September 23, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Song Review Games


I was in your shoes just last year!  The first thing to remember is that this is the best calling in the whole church! Second, the kids are wonderful! Third, the kids like anything that lets them move or help.  Below are a couple of things I do.
* Pick a word out of a song you are going to sing and every time they sing that word they have to stand up and sit back down.  It is important that you are doing it to.  For some reason they love to see YOU popping up and down just like them.  Or you can have them move to the seat to the left and the next time you sing the word them move back one seat to the right.  Kids usually end up on each others lap with this one at least once but they love it.
* I let them earn a reward (usually Hershey Kisses) if they learn a song with no mistakes and no visual prompts.  I only use this every few months,  that way its a real fun surprise when it happens.
I am sure you will find lots on help on this site, with more ideas than you can ever use. I did!  Oh, and I should remind you of one thing.  If you plan on giving a treat for something make sure first that you don't have any children with food allergies that won't be able to have it. That's why I stick to simple things like Hershey Kisses. 

From: christyhead3 <>
Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 11:28 AM
Subject: [primusic] Song Review Games

I just recently got called to be Primary Chorister in my ward. I'm excited and overwhelmed all at once. Our Program is in just a few weeks and since time is short I was wondering what fun game ideas you have for reviewing all the program songs? I would love any suggestions. What's worked?
Thanks so much!!


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