Tuesday, June 7, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Musical Opportunities for the Kids


WOW...I found my twin. I have named myself the most non-musical primary chorister out there! But like you I wonder if things would be different if I had only been exposed to music more earlier in life, so as I learn, I teach the children (and get taught...corrected at times...by those who take piano lessons, etc.). We do "Primary Choirs" in small groups, by class, age, gender, whatever works for the moment. I make sure I sign their Faith in God books under talents (for learning and sharing a new song) for each participant. They have proven to be very successful and loved by all.
I have tried the prelude for a couple of kids, but need to expand that (thanks for the reminder and example). I am excited about putting more effort into that by calling the parents ahead and loaning them the music.....great idea!
Other ideas I am implementing when there is time: I printed off the guitar chords (that someone in our group had shared once) to give to one of our older boys who doesn't like to sing but has just started teaching himself the guitar. I thought of having different instruments come in and accompany them while they sing, whether it is primary children who are just learning a new instrument or adults who can share how fun it is to learn a new instrument (such as the accordian that one of our Bishopric counselor plays). A couple of people in our group teach the Recorder for one of the program songs.
We do take turns playing the bells for a few of the songs they know. We tap or pound out rhythm, learn to lead music, and learn some of the musical instructions (I guess this is what you would call them) such as fermatta. Two of the Father's Day songs ("Daddy's Homecoming" and "My Dad") we are singing have a fermatta (hold until the chorister instructs to continue) in them. This has been so much fun repeating singing them while the children take turns being the chorister and holding out those notes for so long.....the kids have really enjoyed this.
There is an idea out there that I saw once about teaching all the Italian words that are used in music, such as fermatta. I am looking forward to a review day soon where I will wear a little Italian hat and speak with an Italian accent as we go over some of these words and what they mean. Then we will practice them with the different songs we need to review for the program.
Anything that we can do to get them excited about music and have the opportunity to experience it at their young ages is great!!!
Keep up the good work,
Marcyne Brown
Las Vegas, Nev


From: ericamalouf <ericamalouf@yahoo.com>
To: primusic@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 12:19:14 AM
Subject: [primusic] Musical Opportunities for the Kids


Being a chorister whose main offering is enthusiasm and is very much lacking in the musical talent department, I 've often wondered if things would have been different for me if I had a few musical opportunities when I was younger. So I am attempting to give the kids more opportunities to share their talents.

Kids are invited to play prelude music while the classes are coming in for singing time. Most are piano but one is violin. I bought a couple of beginning primary songs books and lend them out to the kids. I call the parents and let them know that "Joseph would like to play prelude for primary, so would you help him pick an appropriate song and he can play it in 3 or 4 weeks?" Then I pass it on to someone else. We've had piano and violin players.

It's a great way to share talent without cutting into primary time.

Also, I've worked with the ward music director and told him that more of the primary kids would like an opportunity to sing in sacrament meeting. so we are giving the opportunity for kids to sing in small groups or with their families. I am personally calling each kid and making sure that everyone has the opportunity. Some don't want to. But surprisingly most have agreed especially if their mom or other family friends join them.

I'm just wondering what the rest of you are doing about getting kids to stretch and grow and if you have any good ideas to share to help encourage your young ones to realize that they can invite the spirit through music and their talent does not need to be at a phenomenal level to touch the hearts of those around them.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


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