Tuesday, June 7, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Sad Day


Sad to see you go fellow canuck!  I will miss your wise words of wisdom and council.  At least you get to stay in primary.  Which is still the best place to be. :-)

From: buttercup_ca2000 <buttercup_ca2000@yahoo.com>
To: primusic@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Mon, June 6, 2011 10:53:09 PM
Subject: [primusic] Sad Day


Yesterday was a sad day...I have been called to be a counselor in the Primary leaving my Music Leader position. I hate the thought of leaving this wonderful calling, I absolutely love it and think it the best calling I've ever had (this is my second time, and I STILL love it). I will be released next Sunday and continue to fill in as the Music Leader until a new one is called, but I'm afraid it won't be the same.

Thanks to everyone who shared ideas from which I have freely pillaged (!) and tweaked for our Primary. It's been fabulous being part of a group who are so active.

My sincere thanks.

I won't be unscribing quite yet...you never know when I'll be filling in!

British Columbia

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