Tuesday, August 30, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Need to vent for a moment....


I totally agree.  I really wonder if the PP knows what teaching 7 new songs in 6 weeks entails... even if they do know some of them etc.  Some great ideas have been given on how to use solos, small groups,  etc but you really shouldn't have to be even worrying about this at this point in time.
I think communication with your pp is essential right now.  Maybe remind her that the general board gives us 9 months to a year to learn 8 or 9 songs.  That is approximately a song a month.  6 weeks just doesn't cut it as well as needing to polish up the other songs.  I think once she knows a few more facts and your feelings that she may change her mind.  Keep us posted.

From: "L1011Jet@aol.com" <L1011Jet@aol.com>
To: primusic@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, August 29, 2011 6:50:14 AM
Subject: Re: [primusic] Need to vent for a moment....

In a message dated 8/29/2011 8:45:05 AM Eastern Daylight Time, Stephanie.Gisseman@robins.af.mil writes:
My Primary President e-mailed me her outline of the program last night…and she has 16 songs in it!  Good grief!  Eight of those songs are ones that the children either don't know at all or barely know…they're definitely not songs we've worked on this year and we can't have them program-ready in the next six weeks.  I sent her back an e-mail and expressed my concerns about having that many songs in the program (if you estimate two minutes per song, which is low for some of the songs, that's 32 minutes of the program just on songs – and we only have 35-40-45 minutes total for the program!), having that many new songs to teach in the next six weeks, and having the "required" songs still needing polishing in the next six weeks…  I was just called at the end of April and so this is the first Primary program I've gone through with this presidency (but I was in Primary for 15 years previously, including several years as Primary Chorister and Primary President, so my concerns are coming from lots of experience).
I told her I would be happy to suggest a couple of additional songs the children *already know* that could be used, but there is no way we have time in the program to sing 16 songs, let alone prepping 16 songs for the program!
Stephanie in GA
Stick to your guns on this because that is a very unfair request.  If she insists, I would gladly suggest to her, that she is more than welcome to teach "her" choices over the next few weeks.

You can't be right by doing wrong; you can't be wrong by doing right. Your personal conscience always warns you as a friend before it punishes you as a judge.
~ Richard G. Scott

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