Saturday, September 24, 2011

0 [primusic] Re: any done song hospital before?


sorry I've done this, and thought someone would respond. My apolgies...just busy and didn't have time.
You go through each step with each song. You have to decide if they are discharged, admitted, ICU, Morgue.....I have all the graphics, clip art, etc... if you are interested I could send you my files. I am not sure when you are doing this.
I had a 'medical' sheet and two people be the drs. Each song had a disease and I made the disease with clip art on a file...played ambulance sirent while kid rushed to get the file. We sang song and the dr's determined what kind of work it needed.
Does that help? It takes all of the 40 minutes if you do each song. Because each song is diagnosed seperately from each other.

--- In, Joe and Tori Martinez <famfishin@...> wrote:
> I posted a question about song hospital earlier but no response.
> If you have done song hospital for a review, plesae give me your advice.
> Do you go through each song with each step or do you do each step with all songs and then move on to the next step....understand?  I need to get in touch with someone that has already done this.  THANKS!!  Tori

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