Saturday, September 24, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] song hospital help


Tori:  I've done both ideas and found the kids absolutely LOVED the measles idea.  Maybe the hospital idea was a little over the heads of the Juniors, but they would have sang all day for the measles! lolol  the teachers liked it too, they really got into it! :-)
British Columbia
From: Joe and Tori Martinez <>
To: primarymusic help <>
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2011 8:02 PM
Subject: [primusic] song hospital help

Thanks for whomever posted the crazychorister song hospital.  I had from somewhere else the signs for Welcome to Primary Song Hospital, Admitting/check-in, waiting room, Discharge/check out.  I'm not sure where these actually fit into the whole process.  Maybe I'm missing something!  I love the idea from the crazy chorister, I was looking on and couldn't find anything about song hospital.  Please help!  How do we find out what is wrong with the songs, do we diagnose all songs first and then move onto waiting room, to work on and then after each song has been worked on then do discharge? or is it each song admit, diagnose, work/therapy/improve and then discharge. I know this will take a few weeks.  I have three weeks and the last week, I have the whole time.  Trying to make sure I understand the process correctly.  I really like the dot/measles idea!!!!  Thank you for help in advance!
Tori Martinez
Representative for Alison's Pantry
Orders for catalog #11 are due by Sept. 27th
4120 West 500 North, Maeser

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