Monday, September 26, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Re: 2011 Treasure Hunt Review Game


You are very welcome.  I have to laugh though because yesterday as I was finishing up our treasure hunt (I took three weeks to do it) the jr. primary kept talking about pirates and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what they were referencing too.  I hadn't used any reference to pirates at all.   It wasn't until I took out the treasure that is was like...duh!  treasure = pirates!! 
I felt really bad that I didn't think three weeks ahead when I was planning this, and realize it was fast Sunday due to general conference.  I apologized to the senior primary and talked to them about being honest with themselves if they were fasting.  My daughter in all of her 11 yr. old wisdom pointed out something important though.  As I was lamenting to her on Sun. morning how bad I felt about bringing candy on fast Sunday she said "mom, it's important for us to be able to learn to make those choices that help us govern our spirits over our bodily desires"  I was stunned that she would say something so eloquently and true.  Out of the mouth of babes!  Still I felt bad placing the temptation in front of those that were fasting.  Wouldn't you know it....I've NEVER brought food as a reward and the one time I do,  it was fast sunday! figures!!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2011 9:10 AM
Subject: [primusic] Re: 2011 Treasure Hunt Review Game


I did the treasure hunt this week and wanted to return and report...

First off, THANK YOU for the brilliant idea!! It went over gangbusters!!

It took me a TON of time to organize, probably 5 hours in total, and I was so nervous how I would feel if it flopped LOL!!

I dressed up like a pirate and told the kids I was Captain Silly-Pants, and needed help finding my missing treasure. I wore an eye patch and had a parrot (fake;) sitting on my shoulder and posted a giant treasure map on the board. I read the first clue that was posted here on the site, and used her basic format, but because our songs were different I had to change up most of the clues quite a bit.

I used real gold coins from the party store, and used sticky letters to spell out TESTIMONY that Sr primary unscrambled at the end. ( just told the JR pri what they spelled) I bore my testimony at the end of the gift of music and how we can bare testimony through song and what a great "treasure" we would be sharing with our friends and family through the songs in our program.

We then pulled out the treasure box that was filled with hugs and kisses (silver and gold) and they were thrilled!!

I used the whole hour, and was able to get through ALL the program songs, AND keep the attention of the kiddos, which is really saying something!! I have already had several notes and calls about how awesome the kids thought it was.

Thank you so much for this CLEVER idea, and this inspirational site!!!

--- In, Beth Liechty <bethliechty6@...> wrote:
> This sounds like a great idea.  When you give them the clue to read, and they answer, say music stand, is the Song clue question stuck to the stand for them to go find and then read?  And if so, how are they stuck on and are they hidden or just in the open?  Does that make sense?  The kids come into primary and can see cards stuck to the various objects like the piano and the podium, etc?  Just checking.
> Thanks,
> Beth
> ________________________________
> From: Paladeni Family <paladeni@...>
> To:
> Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2011 11:06 PM
> Subject: [primusic] 2011 Treasure Hunt Review Game
> 2011 Treasure Hunt Review Game
> (this game should last at least 2 weeks in order to be effectively a
> 'review'
> Primary does not get to move to
> another clue until song is sung to the best of their ability.
> Have primary children practice
> standing, listening to full intro, etc… on each song.
> Stop and go back and correct
> things as needed.  Hopefully knowing that their working towards a treasure
> at the end will encourage them to work hard and keep their attention.  Some
> songs will go fast and others will need work.  You can put your songs in
> any order.
> Have a list of all the program
> songs
> A list of all the subjects taught
> in each song: Joseph Smith, Eternal Families, Our Prophet, etc…as outlined
> below.
> Song clues are not listed with
> the clue.  They are paper clipped to
> the back with the letter you are giving them.  I just put all clue 1 information listed
> together.
> So it should look liked this
> Cardstock Square
> that says: Clue # 1
> Square of paper stapled to
> cardstock that reads:
> Clue # 1
> In a classroom?  No, that’s not for me…I’m used in the
> open for all to see. Standing up tall nice and black I help hold a book open so
> Sister Paladeni doesn’t loose track. 
> Then Song choice and letter is paper
> clip to that…I hope that makes sense
> Hand child all clue 1 stuff
> together.
> To Start Treasure Hunt:  Have teacher read:
> In order to get your first clue
> there is something that we must do.  On Sister Paladeni's count of 1,2,3 Stand up, stand straight,
> put your hands down to your side.  Get ready to sing the first song and sing with pride.  We've worked very hard now this is
> true…… sing this song your best and answer a question at the end……and
> then we will get our first clue! 
> A treasure is hidden somewhere in
> this room……but first we have to find all 8 clues.
> So no more talking, lets start…
> get the keys playing…and we’ll do our part!
> Chorister starts playing intro 1,
> 2, 3 children stand up and sing our ‘intro’ song.
> Sing Praise to the man: Then hand
> child/teacher the question  
> Answer this first question and
> let the treasure hunt begin:  What
> does this song teach us about to share with our friends?  Joseph Smith
> *Put Praise to the Man and Joseph Smith
> side by side on the board
> *After they answer correctly (Joseph Smith)
> hand them the first clue
> Clue # 1
> In a classroom?  No, that’s not for me…I’m used in the
> open for all to see. Standing up tall nice and black I help hold a book open so
> Sister Paladeni doesn’t loose track.   
> What am I?  Chorister Stand (obviously this is not
> on the clue but for your reference I've listed it)
> Song clue # 1:  The spirit will speak straight to my
> heart….as I search the scriptures and do my part.
> What song am I? If I Listen With
> My Heart (again title not on the song clue)
> What does this song teach
> about?  The Holy Ghost (again, not
> listed on the song want them to guess each of those three
> questions.
> Letter given:  E  (these letters were done on Gold
> circles to look like gold coins.  Place up on the board)
> Clue # 2
> Blocking out noise is what I do
> and I look like an accordion too. (chapel/gym divider)
> Song clue # 2:  Jesus died for us in Calvary , but his journey began  somewhere else you see.  Our pains and sorrows he took as his own
> he did it willingly in this garden….all alone  
> What song am I? ( Gethsemane )  
> What does this song teach about?
> Jesus Christ and the Atonement
> Letter given:  Y
> Clue # 3
> Push a button and watch me
> flow.  I quench your thirst don’t
> you know?
> What am I?(water
> fountain)
> Song clue # 3:  A choice and a purpose for you and for
> me it started in Heaven this journey. 
> What song am I? I Will Follow
> God’s Plan
> What does this song teach about?
> The Plan of Happiness
> Letter given:  M
> Clue # 4
> Papers and wrappers are what I
> hold.  That’s my job so I’ve been
> told 
> What am I?(garbage can)
> Song clue# 4:  From Adam to Moses to Nephi and Joseph
> and continuing on in the latter day.  I have been called to guide you and help show you the way at work or at
> play. 
> What song am I? Stand for the
> right
> What does this song teach about?
> Our Prophet
> Letter given:  S
> Clue # 5
> You stand behind me for all to
> hear sometimes you are brave and speak really clear.  Sometimes you are quiet and show lots of
> fear. 
> What am I?(podium)
> Song clue # 5:  Only the finest materials are used to
> build me.  I have an important
> job….I’m helping families be forever you see.
> What song am I? I Love to see the Temple
> What does this song teach about?
> Eternal Families
> Letter given:  I
> Clue # 6
> Your singing is beautiful that is
> no doubt.  I help to keep your
> voices in and the cold out.
> What am I?  A door
> Song clue # 6:  a record made by Nephi written in days
> of old.  Now in this book the story
> is retold
> What song am I? Scripture
> Power
> What does this song teach about?
> The Scriptures
> Letter given:  O
> Clue # 7
> To learn new songs in a fun way
> my keys are tickled so I’ll play.
> What am I?  The piano
> Song Clue # 7:  Your spirit is joined with this on the
> earth you take possession of this at birth.  It’s your to use as you see,  but remember to keep it clean, pure, and
> habit free.
> What song am I? The Lord Gave me
> a Temple
> What does this song teach about?
> The Word of Wisdom
> Letter given: N
>  Make sure treasure box is hidden behind piano in
> the pianist possession.  
> Clue # 8
> The treasure hunt is finished and
> has come to an end.  Here are two
> more letters now you can begin. If you can unscramble the letters you will see
> the greatest treasure you are sharing through singing is a?
> _____________________________
> Letters given:  2~  T’s
> When the letters have been
> unscrambled you can open this treasure box.  BUT…… before you open I have one final
> thing to say……………………………………
> Explain to the kids before they open the treasure box.  That it might be filled with silver or
> it might be filled with gold or it might be filled with money.  Regardless of WHAT is inside this treasure box our
> testimony is the MOST important treasure we have.  Explain that we have been preparing all
> year to teach the members of the ward and visitors about the following  things by learning each of the songs:
> Joseph Smith
> Our Prophet
> The Word of Wisdom
> Eternal Families
> The Holy Ghost
> The Scriptures
> Jesus Christ and the
> Atonement
> The Plan of Happiness
> Explain that as we sing these
> songs we are TESTIFYING to everyone through music that we know the messages we
> are giving through music are
> true.
> Talk about feeling the spirit as
> we sing.  Talk about never singing
> louder than lovely.  Remind them to
> think of the words as they sing each song, etc..etc…..
> I fully expect this review to last two maybe all three weeks of
> Sept. 
> Have fun
> Angela

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