Sunday, August 21, 2011

0 [primusic] Review Idea



I have been a primary chorister for a just a few weeks now. I quickly
realized the primary children didn't know "If I Listen With My Heart"
very well, especially the 2nd and 3rd verses. So in addition to
reviewing "The Lord Gave Me a Temple" I wanted to start reviewing "If
I Listen With My Heart" too. I started with The Crazy Chorister's idea
of solving the music mystery, but changed and added to it. Thought I'd

Before Primary I hid three small boxes around the Primary room. Each
box contained props or pictures to help with the words for one of the
verses. I also placed a stuffed animal (a cute monkey) on a chair off
to the side that wasn't very noticeable.

When it came time for Singing Time, I was out in the hallway with
sunglasses and a trenchcoat on and a magnifying glass. The primary
president asked if anyone knew where I was and after a short time, I
rushed in frantically looking around asking if anyone had seen my
props for the song we needed to review today. I looked all around til
I got to where the monkey was and he had a note in front of him that
said "I have your clues." Oh, that sneaky monkey! I asked the monkey
why he took our props and he "whispered in my ear" that he heard this
was an amazing singing primary and he hid the clues to see if they
could sing well enough to earn them back (by earning singing dollars).

On the chalkboard I had a meter drawn with brackets in $100 singing
dollars each up to $500. As they sang, I had the secretary color in
the space from $0-$100 depending on how well they sang the song. If
they sang it really well - knew the words, singing strong and clearly
- they made it up to $100 and they would get a clue from the monkey to
where the first box of props were.

I had them review "The Lord Gave Me a Temple" for the first 100
singing dollars. They didn't make it to the first $100 on the first
try, so they sang it again. Once they made it, they got a clue. I had
one of the children singing well use my magnifying class to find the
box once the clue was given. Once found, I opened it up and showed
props and reviewed words for the first verse of "If I Listen With My
Heart". They sang it til they reached the $200, then we moved on to
verse 2, and once they got to $300 we went on to verse 3. The junior
primary only made it through verse 2. But the senior primary did
really well and it was fun to hear them get louder and stronger as
they neared the next $100 mark trying to earn enough to get the next
clue. Once they finished all 3 verses and had earned "400 singing
dollars", I put all the props away and had them sing all 3 verses
without any words or props and see if they could make it to the top
500 singing dollar mark. They did it! It was beautiful - I had tears
by the end!

They had a lot of fun with it, so I thought I'd share it if it works
for anyone else.


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