Sunday, August 21, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Help! I Will Follow God's Plan


I did something very simple with it - I made a few simple pictures - a gift, a cloud (representing heaven), and earth, and a candle (for God's light).  Then we did a few simple ASL signs for the chorus - follow, holding fast, a book for God's word, and the sign for love, work and pray, walk, happy, earth, home above.  The kids picked up on it rather quickly.  We reviewed it today, and even the little ones seemed to remember it.  Good luck!
By the way, I only used the pictures for the first few weeks when we were just starting out.  After that, they kids had it down.
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Herbert V. Prochnow

From: meganheywoodsharp <>
Sent: Saturday, August 20, 2011 10:00 PM
Subject: [primusic] Help! I Will Follow God's Plan

So I made the mistake of teaching all three verses of "If I Listen With My Heart" in ASL which took all of January and February. This means that I haven't taught "I Will Follow God's Plan" yet.

At this point I'm a bit panicky. I don't know how to teach this song and I need some help! Anyone have any ideas on how I can teach this song FAST?


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