Monday, August 22, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Re: Using Singing Time wisely


I go second, but if sharing time is going over, I stand up and quietly tell the leader that she has gone over and needs to wrap it up. 
Sheila Holfeltz

From: petra pointer <>
Sent: Monday, August 22, 2011 1:17 AM
Subject: RE: [primusic] Re: Using Singing Time wisely

I agree.  Going first has made a huge difference to how well our primary children learn and know the songs.  When I was first called I was lucky if I got 10 minutes. 
> To:
> From:
> Date: Mon, 22 Aug 2011 01:45:35 +0000
> Subject: [primusic] Re: Using Singing Time wisely
> Yes, ask if you can go first!!! I was going first but I decided to switch so that I could fill any extra time after sharing time...HA! Today I was left with 3 minutes in Jr Primary! I was frustrated since our program is at the end of September. Now I've asked to go first again! :)
> --- In, my_sweetpea@... wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > In my ward, I always go first.  That way I am guarenteed a full 20 minutes.  My presidency fully believes the kids need music time and supports me in having all my time and they adjust.  I also get the entire time on a 5th Sunday which allows me to be more relaxed and creative with the kids. 
> >
> >> >
>>>> >
> > I wanted to ask you all how you use your time with singing, I have about 15 mins for each Primary group, IF sharing time doesn't go over. I usually only work one song a week if we are learning a new song. But I feel like the children are restless and aren't focused more than a few mins. I do start with a wiggle song and then I feel like I have to get right down to business if we are going to accomplish anything. Some weeks are better than others but if I pushed for time I don't like feeling like I am cramming info into the kids.
> >  This is my first time in this calling and I am starting to wonder if we'll be ready for our program. Ours is the end of Oct so we have some time but I want to make it GOOD!!
> >
> > Thanks for your advice/input/experiences
> >
> > ~ Barbara
> >
> ------------------------------------

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