Saturday, August 20, 2011

0 Re: [primusic] Using Singing Time wisely


In my ward, I always go first.  That way I am guarenteed a full 20 minutes.  My presidency fully believes the kids need music time and supports me in having all my time and they adjust.  I also get the entire time on a 5th Sunday which allows me to be more relaxed and creative with the kids. 

I always start with a review song.  I change this weekly and cycle the program songs here, I hope by doing so it keeps them fresh in their minds.  Then I may do a few wiggle songs (sometimes I do it in the middle or at the end).  I then do an activity whether it be for learning a song, repeating a song or for just having fun.  I sometimes feel though that all I am doing is cramming program songs down their throats and have been trying to add a better mixture of primary songs and activities, so the kids don't feel like its the same 8 songs all the time.  (That's where the ideas from this group come in really handy!)

This is the first time I have been in this calling and I am getting nervous for the program.  I have September full of program review ideas like using a report card and primary hospital.  Hopefully I will feel better. 

I am very uncomfortable in this calling but am beginning to see the kids are enjoying and responding.  They see me now at the grocery store and they have to come say hi and give me a hug!  The older kids who don't like to sing are starting to come around.


Good luck and keep your chin up!



Bonney Lake, WA

From: "Barbara Welsh" <>
Sent: Friday, August 19, 2011 9:31:17 PM
Subject: [primusic] Using Singing Time wisely


Hey everyone - - - you all have been LIFE SAVERS for me!!!

I wanted to ask you all how you use your time with singing, I have about 15 mins for each Primary group, IF sharing time doesn't go over. I usually only work one song a week if we are learning a new song. But I feel like the children are restless and aren't focused more than a few mins. I do start with a wiggle song and then I feel like I have to get right down to business if we are going to accomplish anything. Some weeks are better than others but if I pushed for time I don't like feeling like I am cramming info into the kids.
 This is my first time in this calling and I am starting to wonder if we'll be ready for our program. Ours is the end of Oct so we have some time but I want to make it GOOD!!

Thanks for your advice/input/experiences

~ Barbara

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