Thank you for all your great ideas that you have shared over the years! All the best in your new calling, whatever it may be.
Calgary, AB
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Marcyne Brown
Sent: Thursday, September 01, 2011 10:22 PM
Subject: [primusic] Being released : (
I am sad to say that I have just been released from Primary chorister. I have loved this calling although I am the most non-musical chorister out there. Just when all the fun begins and we get to play review games, I have to let go. However, I had started some primary choirs (boys only, girls only, mixed, etc) and our mixed choir is singing again September 25th. The new chorister has graciously asked if I may continue at least working with the choir AFTER church (our usual practice time) for this upcoming performance. I am so thrilled.....kind of a weaning off : )
I want to say thank you for all your support and ideas. You are a wonderful group, and I am excited to introduce you all to the new Grand Canyon ward chorister, Don Braiser. He will be wonderful and already has a relationship with the children as he used to be the Bishopric counselor over Primary.
I am not worried how to delete myself from this group, as I will most likely find myself lurking in this site now and then! It's been great "working" with all of you.
Good luck on all your programs,
Marcyne Brown
Las Vegas, Nevada
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