Saturday, October 1, 2011

0 [primusic] Re: 2011 Treasure Hunt Review Game


I would definitely check with the primary presidency first. I didn't come in full garb, just the parrot and an eye patch, because I felt it was really important to be plain ole me when I bore my testimony about the "treasures" of testimony that each of the children had and could share through singing.

I had two treasure chests (came from Hobby Lobby.) I placed the smaller of the two on the table with the treasure map a few gold coins, some fake gems and a rolled up scroll that had the activity description poem and first clue on it. I told them I was missing most of my treasure, asked them for help finding it, and that since I knew nothing about music I would like Sister C (real me hee hee!) to help them find my treasure. We looked at the map, but decided that wasn't going to tell us much, so I read the first clue. The map was really more of a prop just to help get the kids into the game.

I printed my clues on parchment paper & rolled all of them like scrolls. I put the song clue at the top of the page, and the next clue location at the bottom so it was all in one place( but of course I didn't read that part until they had sung songs to my satisfaction and answered the question.) I also used real (plastic) gold coins with sticky scrapbook letters to spell TESTIMONY, they discovered the whole bag of them at the second to the last clue location instead of at each stop. After they unscrambled the letters (I did it for JR's) they discovered the treasure chest (which was behind the piano and my husband is the accompanist so he guarded it) It was fun because it was filled with Hugs and Kisses which were silver and gold shiny, and I put the rest of the coins and gems in there with them.

One thing I did struggle with was getting the clues hidden before senior primary came in the 2nd hour. The first 10 minutes of primary is the "Sister C show" so they were watching me like they normally do. I wish I had someone else come hide the clues between classes. All in all the kids had a blast! I enjoyed it as much as they did, AND we got EVERY single song reviewed to my satisfaction without losing anyone's attention.

Good luck and have fun!!

--- In, Shannon Humphrey <coastiewifee@...> wrote:
> This is such a great Idea. i am going to do this next Sunday and I have the whole hour. How did you incorporate the treasure map??? I have a pirate dress that I am thinking of wearing, just a little concerned how that might go over...pirates at church? I mean, I'm okay with it, I would just really have my feelings hurt if someone told me they thought it was inappropriate...what are your thoughts?
> Shannon
> 208-262-6444
> 252-330-9998


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