Personally, I would leave the pirate theme completely out of it. Treasure hunts do not have to be synonymous with pirates, especially if you are using clues to lead you to the next thing instead of a map with an X-marks-the-spot kind of thing. If I were doing this activity, I would also try to incorporate scriptures into it. A scripture about music could lead the children to find the next clue at the piano or at the music stand. A scripture about a prophet could help them find a clue taped to the portrait of the prophet in the room (if you have one). I would just read them for the juniors and have the seniors find the scriptures themselves. But that's me. We have Sacrament Meeting first so the children have already been sitting for over an hour before they get to Primary and I don't like to give them any extra opportunities to get out of control. For my primary, I can see this one easily getting out of hand if the pirate element were added to it. Your primary may be different, but the rule I have for myself is "When in doubt, leave it out." It is certainly a balancing act to keep things interesting and engaging for the children while at the same time giving them opportunities to feel the Spirit, but I think a SIMPLE treasure hunt can achieve this.
This is such a great Idea. i am going to do this next Sunday and I have the whole hour. How did you incorporate the treasure map??? I have a pirate dress that I am thinking of wearing, just a little concerned how that might go over...pirates at church? I mean, I'm okay with it, I would just really have my feelings hurt if someone told me they thought it was inappropriate...what are your thoughts?
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